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Doing Business In China

What are the various issues to be considered when operating or conducting business in China – the economy, language, exporting & business environment, cultural & etiquette differences, risk assessment of the business opportunities & more.
Total 18 articles in this section.
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Marketing China - And Getting It Right

by Mona Chung

China has become a synonym for future business growth. It is the business nirvana of the 21st century. It is the place to be. Companies are scrambling to get a share of the action. Not a day passes without some company making an announcement of an investment in their future which involves China.

China - The Return Of The Middle Kingdom

by NSW Business Chamber

China, the world's fastest growing economy, is currently one of the most talked about markets worldwide.

Trade With China - The Future Looks Bright

by NSW Business Chamber

This comprehensive article provides a background to the People's Republic of China; an overview of the economic, exporting and business environment; a risk assessment of the business opportunities; cultural and etiquette differences and useful travel tips. For Australian businesses looking for growth potential, opportunities for finding a trading partner in China are currently promising.

Total 18 articles in this section.
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