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Corporate Social Responsibility

Business has a fundamental role in society and its actions have an enormous impact on social welfare. What is corporate social responsibility? How can ethical behaviour, such as a greener workplace, be strategically advantageous?
Total 19 articles in this section.
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The Evolution Of Diversity: Beyond The Business Case

by Jock Noble

Companies are beginning to realise that they not only exist within a broader community, but that any sustainable organisation is a community.

Corporate Entrepreneurship And The Ethic Of Continuous Value Creation

by Dr. Dean Robb

The spiritual core of renewable corporate entrepreneurship is an ethic of “continuous value creation.”1 It is an ethic of continuously seeking creative new ways to add value to the world – i.e., to make a genuine contribution. The mindset is profoundly visionary, creative, and contributory.

Sustainability - Tips For Smarter Ways Of Doing Business

by NSW Business Chamber

Sustainability is one of the latest catchcries in business. It can mean many things to many people. Some see sustainability as reducing risk and avoiding litigation. Others see greater social, environmental and ethical responsibility as smarter ways of doing business. Recent history documents organisations that have failed miserably in this respect and prove that the days are gone where a business could survive on profit or shareholder return alone.

Loyalty And Ethics In The Corporate Scene: A Challenge of Values!

by Charles Kovess

If loyalty was the last corporate casualty of the 20th century then, for many, ethics looks like being the first casualty of the 21st.

Total 19 articles in this section.
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