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Managing The Sales Team

How can you effectively develop and motivate your sales team to achieve great results? What are the attributes and key drivers of top sales performers?
Total 86 articles in this section.
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Maximising Channel Performance

by Greg Nutter

Today, more suppliers are using channels for complex sales, characterised by multiple buying influences and a high level of perceived risk on the part of the buyer.

The Top Five Traits Of A Successful Salesperson

by Paul Johnson

If you're looking for a successful salesperson to hire - a salesperson who not only CAN sell but WILL sell - look for a salesperson with PRIDE.

Sales Force Performance: Recruit Your Way To The Top!

by John Boe

Essentially, a sales manager's primary responsibility is to recruit, train and motivate their sales force to achieve peak performance. Of these three vitally important tasks, recruiting is the least understood and by far the most challenging.

Retail Success - The Right People In The Right Places

by Tony Gattari

One of the main areas that retailers feel that they fall down in is in area of generating leads.

Sales Meetings

by Sue Barrett

Sales meetings, in particular, are an important tool for helping you to keep your team's performance on track. Successful meetings require a range of skills, a disciplined approach and an effective leader.

The Cost Of Not Training Your Sales Team

by Sue Barrett

I don't know about you, but when markets start to tighten or when things feel a bit uncertain, instead of cost cutting and bunkering down, I have found that you need to do precisely the opposite. You need to invest in your sales efforts with good strategy, sales training, good sales management and good sales coaching.

Sales Recruitment

by Sue Barrett

Your small business is growing and diversifying. You've experimented with bringing on an inexperienced sales person, who did not work out. You realise you need a more experienced sales person, however you do not know where to find them and what to look for.

Mother Of A Sales Performance

by Sue Barrett

As the New York Stock Exchange is now looking at "employee engagement" as a significant predictor of higher share value and market return, and given we are all competing, not just for clients and market share but for good employee talent, maybe a key performance indicator for sales management could be in Organisational Citizenship Behaviour (OCB).

Coach Your Sales People To Think Like Entrepreneurs

by Brent Dees

The first step in successful coaching is to help your sales people create their preferred futures by helping them set their goals, objectives, and desired results.

Strategies Of Winning Sales Organisations

by Miller Heiman

What are Winning Sales Organisations (WSOs) doing more often and better than other sales organisations?

Motivation Or Manipulation?

by Sue Barrett

What is the line between motivating sales staff and manipulating sales staff? How do you make sure you don't go over the line and place people under extreme pressure to achieve?

Selling And Managing Are Not The Same

by Sue Barrett

Like many people, I have known that selling and managing are not the same thing. They are two very distinct jobs with different demands and expectations.

Five Steps To Unlock Your Sales Team's Potential

by Barry Porter

Each manager has the ability to see the potential in their sales team, but how many actually have the skills to ensure each team member's potential is realised?

Implementing An Effective Sales Process

by Phil Lee

Successful implementation of a common sales process within a sales-driven organisation, although requiring work, provides advantages. Those businesses that have a specific sales system benefit significantly at several levels.

How To Compensate Your Sales Team

by Phil Lee

Although this article will not spell out what and how you should be paying your salespeople, it will guide you through the issues and factors that you need to consider in making successful compensation decisions, whether large or small.

Total 86 articles in this section.
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