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Video Seminars

Watch interview style videos of your favourite IIDM contributors outlining best practice on the latest business and leadership challenges.

The embedded videos on this page are extracts of full Video Seminars, click 'Full Video Seminar' to view each complete series.
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Video Seminar: Value Propositions That Win Business

Why is it so hard to win new business? That’s a good question, and one that’s on the mind of many...

Video Seminar: How To Break Free From Corporate And Be Your Own Boss

Gavin has been working in and out of small business for several years and has helped dozens of...

Video Seminar: How To Create A Culture Where Innovation Thrives

Dr Amantha Imber busts the myths around how to create a culture where innovation thrives, and...

Video Seminar: Building Your Influence As Competitive Advantage

In an increasingly complex and ambiguous world, career success is less about technical skills and...

Video Seminar: Values Alignment In Recruitment

In the recruitment space, values-based alignment between people and employers has become a key...

Video Seminar: Power Play: Game Changing Influence Strategies

What drives us to reach our full potential? It’s the opportunity to exercise influence and shape...

Video Seminar: Putting Stories To Work To Inspire Action

Everyone is talking about business storytelling these days yet many have fallen into the trap of...

Video Seminar: Motivation, Mindset And The Link To Success

Mindset and motivation impacts greatly on your business in many ways. It’s important in your...

Video Seminar: Best Practice Performance Review Process

The annual performance conversation is a time consuming, non-value adding and possibly destructive...

Video Seminar: The New Management Style

In order to achieve a culture of positive, solution-centric people and celebrate greater results we...

Video Seminar: Leadership Development Done Differently

Waging a war on wasted potential, Corrinne's mission is to empower leaders and teams into Fearless...

Video Seminar: A Guide To Organisational Change Management

Daniel Lock is the principal of Daniel Lock Consulting helping to unlock value, improve...

Video Seminar: The Power Of Storytelling In Business

Gabrielle will introduce what storytelling in business is and the various styles of storytelling....

Video Seminar: Customer Experience - The New B2B Battleground

The dynamics and characteristics in Business-to-Business (B2B) markets are changing making it...

Video Seminar: Be An Influence For Productivity

For most people life has never been busier. Work is stressful. Our personal lives are overflowing...

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Total 107 articles in this section.
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Video Seminar: Becoming The Leader Others Will Follow

By Shelley Flett

Employees today want a leader who is inspiring, cares about people and is interested in growth and development. This means, as a leader, you must be intentional in your actions and be aware of what’s going on around you, rather than simply doing what’s automatic. One must not come at the expense of the other. For new leaders in particular, the concept of finding a balance between people and task can become overwhelming. In this interview we talk to the author of The Dynamic Leader, Shelley Flett, who shares the importance of leaders nurturing relationships as well as driving performance. She shares opportunities for leaders to improve how they engage, enable and influence along with the importance of holding both yourself and others accountable to commitments.

Video Seminar: How To Become An Effective Career Coaching Leader

By Greg Smith

Taking a proactive interest in your employees’ development and careers has never been more important. Technology advances associated with AI and automation combined with the rise of the gig/sharing economies is fast reshaping employment markets. This means many employees will need to develop new skills and contemplate new careers. Soft skills will become a critical capability in the new reality especially for leaders. Developing the capability to hold effective career conversations with your employees is an exceptional opportunity to build trust and a strong connection with your employees at a time of great change and when they may need your help the most. This is foundational to strong employee engagement, productivity and organisational success. Becoming a career coaching leader will become a requisite skill and should be incorporated into all leaders everyday leadership routine. Career Conversations: how to get the best from your talent pool is a step by step guide into how to become a career coaching leader.

Video Seminar: How Leaders Can Communicate With Clarity, Confidence And Impact

By Shane Hatton

In a world where information is in surplus and attention is in deficit, the ability to capture and communicate your message in a way that cuts through the noise and connects with your audience is an invaluable skill. In this video series we explore three important shifts in the communications landscape and discover how you can deliver a message that counts in the moments that matter.

Video Seminar: The Three Greatest Challenges To Enterprise Success

By David Sharrock

The three greatest challenges to enterprise success involve leaders, team members and customers. When the challenges are met, what emerges are leaders of an enterprise providing highly effective, inspiring and passionate leadership to their talented, fully engaged, high performance team members, and with the enterprise thereby delivering exceptional product and service to truly delighted customers. The end result is a successful enterprise that really stands out from all other enterprises of the same type and in the same industry, fuelled by obsessive customer-centricity and by a relentless passion for that enterprise to become ‘world’s best’.

Video Seminar: Quietly Powerful Leadership

By Megumi Miki

In the uncertain, changing, globally interconnected world, the ‘alpha’ or ‘hero’ leadership style is becoming outdated and inadequate. Organisations are wasting a lot of talent by overlooking their hidden quiet professionals - not just introverts, also those with other personality traits, upbringing or those who feel like outsiders. Quiet professionals have immense value to contribute to organisations, often with leadership strengths that are missing in current leaders, yet many are not seen as leader-like. Quietly Powerful challenges professionals who feel quietly disempowered to reframe the story they tell themselves about their leadership potential and success - and encourages organisations to redefine what good leadership looks, sounds and feels like.

Video Seminar: 100 Lunches With 100 Strangers

By Kaley Chu

Kaley Chu shares her story from a shy girl who struggled to have a conversation with one person to a TEDx speaker in less than 2 years, by one simple solution - having lunch with 100 strangers. Kaley shares the lessons learnt throughout her journey, including tips on how to get out of your comfort zone to advance your professional life all while having fun!

Video Seminar: The Five Values For Business Success

By Mark Carter

The word ‘value’ is at the core of many conversations around you - whether in personal life, in the community or in business. ‘Value’ is at the heart of all decision-making and personal choices and determines our effectiveness and impact in the world. ‘Add Value’ provides a framework that, for businesses, allows them to unify mission, vision and values into core aspects that help deliver overall business success: customer experience, employee experience, ethical business, corporate social responsibility, sales practices or desired leadership traits and skills.

Video Seminar: The Guilt-Free Guide To Prioritising You

By Kate Christie

You're a clever, savvy, successful woman. You're also a working mum. Which means you have it all. Really? Below the surface you are crazy busy, stressed and guilt ridden. When you have a spare moment you fill it with another task that has nothing at all to do with prioritising yourself. It's time to start putting yourself first. It's time to be a little less self-less. 'Me First: The Guilt-Free Guide to Prioritising You' will not only help you recover your lost time but will help you recover your lost self. You will create better habits to help ensure you have a successful career, an engaged family, and at least 30 hours per month to invest in some guilt-free time for you.

Video Seminar: Control Fear, Control Your Collective Success

By Dr Amy Silver

There are decades of research on how to control fear and yet this information is only just being capitalised on in the business world. Recent research into fear shows it is the number one predictor of the success of a team. It is also the precursor to engagement and enabling a sense of belonging. There are simple tools and tips to change and control our relationship with fear so we can achieve more, together. Left unchecked, fear reduces our potential as individuals and collectives. Fear can control our ability to stand up, speak up and show up to the best version of ourselves. There is a need for us to recognise the ways in which we can help people (including ourselves!) be more courageous so we can move through challenges, difficult situations or change easily. We must be able to innovate, communicate courageously, create deep connections across groups, include difference or different points of views, to engage with our work fully, create discretionary effort and build a successful future. If we don't learn to control our fear, we will be plagued by avoidance. Controlling fear will help us move with greater satisfaction away from avoidance and into action.

Video Seminar: Leadership Skills For The Age Of Uncertainty

By Arash Arabi

The 2020 Gartner CIO Agenda started with this statement: “The goal of all organisations should be to lean into uncertainty and come out stronger and more successful on the other side.” We are currently going through one of the most uncertain times in recent history. To successfully navigate these uncertain times, it is essential for business leaders to make wise decisions. The margins of error are narrowing, and the wisdom of those decisions will determine the future of our organisations. In this interview we will go over 4 key leadership competencies that help leaders navigate uncertainty, make wise decisions, and come out stronger. These competencies are: experimentation capability, systems thinking, emotional intelligence, and fostering innovation and creativity.

Video Seminar: Managing Difficult Customer Behaviour

By Monique Richardson

During unprecedented times where customer expectations continue to rise, unfortunately so does customer aggression. Customer service has always involved managing difficult behaviour, but those on the frontline are increasingly finding themselves on the receiving end of difficult customer behaviour and abuse. The safety and well-being of those in the service industry must always remain the highest priority. I will be exploring the key responsibilities of every organisation in supporting the team when managing difficult and unacceptable customer behaviour as well as practical tools and techniques to diffuse and de-escalate even the most challenging of situations and customers.

Video Seminar: Culture Change Made Simple

By Colin D Ellis

An organisation's culture is the difference between its success or failure, yet most continue to pay lip service to it or else ignore it altogether. The COVID-19 pandemic brought culture into sharp focus and those that were able to adapt quickly were those that had spent time defining how to work together. Culture change is often seen as something that is 'too hard', yet what most CEOs fail to realise is that it's actually a result of the micro-experience that staff see on a day-to-day basis. With a few well thought out tweaks, CEOs can be the catalyst for lasting culture change.

Video Seminar: The Power Of Magnetic Brand Stories

By Gabrielle Dolan

Your brand is the stories people share about you when you are not in the room, and it's these brand stories that determine if people buy from you, employ you, work for you or invest in you. When the stakes are that high, wouldn't you want to take control of it? In this series global storytelling expert Gabrielle Dolan will show you the power of magnetic stories and what brand storytelling is. She will also explore how companies can implement brand storytelling and the 5 types of stories you should share to amplify your brand.

Video Seminar: How A Gift Mindset Can Change Your Culture

By Renée Giarrusso

Never before have we lived in such a connected world but at the same time been so disconnected. With hybrid working environments and many teams working remotely this can result in disengagement, disconnection and a culture that can become performance driven lacking collaboration. By adopting a Gift Mindset we can foster a culture of purpose, connection and contribution. The gift mindset is one where we embrace, not resist, the challenges and successes we experience. It is one where we see the gift in every situation and person and share these in order to live our legacy and create openness and contribution and ultimately a Gift Mindset Culture. During this discussion we will unwrap the concept of a Gift Mindset and the barriers that can be an opponent to our success. We will look at how to adopt this mindset which opens the portal to The 12 Gifts that our lessons fall into. Deepening and developing these 12 soft skills is pivotal as this not only empowers us but can be someone else’s survival guide and can contribute towards a culture of sharing and openness.

Video Seminar: Why Leaders Don’t Need A Title

By Colleen Callander

Leadership is something that I am extremely passionate about... not only my leadership but the leadership of those around me. And when I talk about leadership, I’m talking about leading not only in business, but also leading in our own lives whether that be in your community, school, workplace or even your home. Leadership starts with self. We need to be leading in our own lives before we can lead anyone else. When asked about leadership I always start with what leadership is not - it is not about a title, power, level of authority, size of your office, carpark, the number of direct reports you have or the size of your pay packet.

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