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Audio Seminar Library

The IIDM Audio Seminar Series presents leading business specialists, who share their knowledge and experience in critical business topics. Listen to the interview-style audio seminars at home, in your car, or at your desk. Develop your own library of latest thinking in business management.

The embedded Audio Seminars on this page are extracts of the full Audio Seminars.

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Conditions For Successful Change

Audio Seminar: Conditions For Successful Change Non Members: Purchase Membership Non Members: Purchase Audio Seminar File

Lead, Follow Or Get Out Of The Way

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How To Grow, Manage And Motivate Your Sales Team

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Client Communications

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Strategies To Turn Your Workplace Into A Wellplace

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Effectively Find, Inspire And Retain Talented People

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What It Takes To Engage The Generations At Work

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Being Different And Better Than Your Competitors

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Effective Performance Management

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What Real Leaders Do And Fake Ones Don't

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Gen Y In The Workplace

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Business Mentoring

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Passion: The Key To Your Sustainable Competitive Advantage

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An Inside View Of The Life Of An Entrepreneur

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Creating A Magnetic Workplace

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The Art Of Influence: How To Get What You Want From Others

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7 Steps To Create Great Teams

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Total 35 articles in this section.
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Key Numbers To Drive Profit And Cashflow

By Sue Hirst

In plain-English, this presentation identifies Seven Key Numbers - which are not contained in a typical set of financials. These seven key numbers are absolutely vital to profit and cashflow.

Presentation Skills For High Performance Results

By Ricky Nowak

Our world is getting more competitive all the time and the urgency to make more money, more profit and have more market share continues to be the driving force behind many businesses. Hence, presenting articulately and persuasively to customers, staff and clients is no longer an option but a key factor in retaining staff, building relationships and demonstrating credibility in business.

Client Communications

By Rebecca Laskary

Rebecca Laskary offers practical advice and guidance for taking immediate steps towards improving client communication to increase client satisfaction and client engagement or sales.

Evaluating Business Opportunities

By Dr Tom McKaskill

Not every business idea is capable of generating a sustainable profitable outcome. Without a rigorous and systematic evaluation process many ideas get funded when in fact they should be rejected or limited to initial trials.

How To Grow, Manage And Motivate Your Sales Team

By Rod Moore

Discover how to recruit everyone in your company into the sale efforts, manage their interactions with clients and keep them motivated. In addition you will learn strategies for working with your sales team directly responsible for generating revenue into the business.

Creativity + Innovation = Growth

By Marcus Powe

The creative mindset is the process of creating or seizing an opportunity and pursuing it regardless of the resources under your control. Are you 'fit' enough to pursue something new or different? This session will explore some of the myths of creativity, innovation and enterprising behaviours.

Strategic & Business Planning

By Warwick Cavell

The two most important functions of a leader, in any walk of life, are setting the direction and engaging people to follow that direction. While there may be many differing styles of leadership, giving us different insights into how we may carry out these two functions, direction setting and engagement are the essence of what a leader is there to do.

Conditions For Successful Change

By Catherine Palin-Brinkworth

If there is one element every one of us needs mastery over, it is CHANGE. Some of us resist it; others relax into it; and others relish it and drive the rest of us crazy creating it! Catherine will explore some of your choices - and chances - in a time of change.

Effectively Find, Inspire And Retain Talented People

By Kerry Larkan

What are the drivers of the current talent war and how aware are you of the impact they will have in the short and long term? Finding, inspiring and retaining people to work in a modern, competitive commercial environment has never been harder.

The Most Frequently Asked Employee Relations Questions

By Colin Puls

Working with small to medium businesses, I cover all types of employee relations issues ... but 4 issues seem to dominate. Those issues cause significant concern to managers and can become very costly in terms of time and money:

Strategies To Turn Your Workplace Into A Wellplace

By Sherry Strong

Would you like to find out how you can improve productivity by 300% and have 9 times less sick leave? Pressure on employees in corporate environments has never been greater.

Working Effectively With Cultural Diversity

By Maria Dimopoulos

"The single greatest barrier to business success is the one erected by culture." ... Edward T Hall and Mildred Reed Hall. Workplaces are becoming increasingly diverse. Today, more than ever, business success requires intercultural awareness and effective cross cultural communication skills.

Juiced Up Business!

By Helen Mac

Recent research indicates that the key to increasing profits, productivity, employee satisfaction and customer loyalty is not to work harder, but to make work more enjoyable. Happy workplaces, filled with happy workers have been proven to have less labour turnover; fewer customer complaints; more creativity and improved systems, without any additional programs needing to be implemented.

7 Steps To Create Great Teams

By Charles Kovess

To prosper in the globalised 21st Century it's important to understand the links between teamwork, creativity, innovation and profits.

Employee Engagement: Solved!

By James Adonis

The greatest driver of your team's success is their level of engagement. Engaged employees are less likely to resign, unlikely to call in sick when they're not really sick, consistently do more than what's required, and have far greater levels of quality and productivity.

Total 35 articles in this section.
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