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Video Seminar: Why Leaders Must Excel At Collaborative Decision Making

Thursday 23 November, 2017
by Michelle Gibbings
People often think that being a leader is about knowing more than others, having all the answers, and therefore making all the decisions. However, in today’s world, with its increasing complexity, connectedness and volatility, a different approach is required. An approach which nurtures a culture of collaborative decision making. In this video Michelle will be outlining the reasons why collaborative decision making, when done properly, can aid team engagement and lead to better decision outcomes. Michelle will also outline the key steps to take to institute a collaborative decision making approach.

Overview: Why Leaders Must Excel At Collaborative Decision Making

Question 1:
What Is Collaborative Decision Making?

Question 2: How To Identify Your Natural Decision Making Approach?

Question 3:
Why Is Collaborative Decision Making A Cornerstone Of Good Leadership?

Question 4: What Are The Steps To Take To Ensure Effective Decision Making?

About Michelle Gibbings


Michelle GibbingsMelbourne-based Michelle Gibbings has more than 20 years’ experience in leading and guiding people through change across multiple sectors and industries. Her expertise is underpinned by success in designing and leading large scale organisational change in senior leadership positions, extending across strategy, compliance, risk and program management. Michelle has undergraduate degrees in Communications and Commerce, and a Masters in International Trade. She is an Internationally Certified Compliance Professional by the International Federation of Compliance Associations, and is a graduate and member of the Australian Institute of Company Directors. Michelle is the founder of the consulting firm, Change Meridian.


Contact Details

Michelle Gibbings Phone: +61 3 8300 7357
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