Gender equity is a tricky topic. Leaders know the conversation is important, but healthy discussion can be mired by political correctness, kneejerk responses or a hesitancy to engage at all. We need to shift the focus from women to the workforce, without blaming or ostracising men in the process. In this interview, we will discuss why we still need to focus on this issue, the critical role leaders play in shifting our systems, and what we can each do individually, and collectively, to shift the dial on gender equity once and for all.
Overview: The Gender Penalty - What Leaders Need To Know
Question 1: Why are we still talking about gender equity right now?
Question 2: What role do leaders play in tackling this issue?
Question 3: What are the 5 gender penalties?
Question 4: Does the rise of women, spell the end for men?
About Anneli Blundell
As a professional people whisperer, Anneli has been working with leaders and teams to improve their communication and interpersonal intelligence for almost a decade. She brings to her clients a recognised expertise in the field of below conscious communication and motivation and is obsessed with decoding people and performance dynamics for improved results.

Contact Details:
Phone:+61 423 023 032