Though the opportunity to lead hasn't changed, leadership styles have. There has been a shift from control and command, to collaboration and connection. Moulding our existing leadership skills - and developing new skill sets - to suit the modern workplace will hold us in good stead, now and into the future.
As the world continues to change rapidly around us, what remains constant is the opportunity to inspire action through clarity of vision and purpose, that compels like-minded individuals to follow. In a word - leadership.
In this Learning Module, we explore the teams of the future - or 'Tribal Teams'; who they're made up of, how we can connect with them and how we can inspire them to achieve organisational goals, whilst maintaining our leadership authenticity.
About Dr Yvonne Sum

Dr Yvonne Sum CSP ACC transforms leaders of tomorrow ... today. Her presentations (whether one-on-one or to hundreds) help people recognise simple things they may have taken for granted. In doing so, your senses are heightened to better understand yourself and those around you, resulting in more open communications, interesting and counterintuitive learning partnerships, more innovative possibilities, and simple joys.
Yvonne has honed her gift of helping others clarify useful behavioural frameworks across various contexts so that we may choose to easily deploy them in our daily lives. She consistently provokes senior business leaders to ‘lose their minds and come to their senses' by integrating their leadership lessons at home successfully back into the work tribe.
Yvonne's breadth of international experience and clientele span across Australia, the USA and Asia Pacific. She has presented alongside Edward de Bono, Howard Gardner, Tony Buzan, David Perkins, Glenn Capelli and Colin James.
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