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Designing A Web Site

Are you about to create a new web site or redesign an existing web site? If so, read these articles for tips and ideas to ensure your web site gets the thumbs up from visitors and search engines.
Total 45 articles in this section.
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Nine Quick Tricks To Make Your Website More Effective

By Ingrid Cliff

Businesses often invest a significant amount of money into renovating their websites in the hope that it will translate into converting lookers into clients, and are surprised when it doesn’t. What are the mistakes that are keeping them from getting the engagement they are after?

How Much Of Your Website Is Really DIY?

by Craig Reardon

In theory, the combination of good planning and a good Content Management System should allow ordinary business operators to constantly update their website content relatively painlessly.

Do You Pass The 1/10th Of A Second Test?

By Ingrid Cliff

Humans are hardwired to make fast decisions. Our caveperson ancestors needed to work out in an instant if the shadow in the shrubs was a tiger or a friend who had had a hard night on the cider. If we spotted danger, our natural flight response was triggered, and we high-tailed it in the other direction. If we couldn’t identify the danger after a second or so, most of us tended to take to the hills just in case. It was a matter of life or death.

Mobile Websites Vs Mobile Apps - What's The Difference?

by Bruce Drury

Smartphones and other mobile devices are being adopted at an increasingly rapid pace. While the need to cater to these users is clear, deciding which mobile solution to adopt - a mobile website or a mobile application - is less apparent. Discover the pros and cons of each to assist in developing your mobile strategy.

4 Steps To Turn Website Visitors Into Buyers

by Gihan Perera

If your goal is for people to buy from your website, your website needs to "sell" your products or services well. To do this, instead of starting from your home page - and then trying to lead the site visitor on a path to each product or service - start from the end and work backwards. Pick any product (or service), and follow this four-step process to craft a path through your website that will turn visitors into buyers.

15 Easy Ways To Improve Your Website

by Gihan Perera

A website is like an untended garden; it tends to get untidy and unkempt after a while. So here's 15 things you can do to improve your website that won't take much time - but can make a big difference.

Using A 'New Visitor' Perspective To Identify Website Improvements

by Dave Smith

What do you need to ask yourself when you are reviewing your site to make sure it is functioning the way you want and need it to? Here are 8 key questions to ask that will help you to look at your website with fresh eyes.

What's Your Website's Mission?

by Flying Solo

Whether you're aware of it or not, your website has a mission. Something it needs to achieve above all else.

Top 5 Web Design Scams

by Craig Reardon

The tricks some web designers will try on to line their pockets – and empty yours.

Ten Things To Avoid On Your Website

by Flying Solo

The internet changes at a rapid pace, and many features that were once regarded as best practice have now fallen out of favour.

Keeping Your Web Project On Time And Budget

by Craig Reardon

We’ve all been through it. A project that we’ve worked on has blown its budget, its deadline or both. Yes, the project looks nothing like what was outlined, the supplier is putting out their hand for more budget to fix it and everyone is at best unhappy, at worst, furious and / or litigious. These guidelines will help you and your project sing.

Encouraging Website Visitors To Contact You

by Flying Solo

Understanding the role your website plays in your business can help you convert visitors into leads and sales, just by highlighting your contact details appropriately.

3 Web Terms All SME Operators Need To Know

by Craig Reardon

Understanding these terms could save you a small fortune on web development and maintenance.

Ten Dos And Don'ts Of Successful Web Design

by Flying Solo

Successful web design is an involved and time-consuming process. These strategies will help you get the best from both your web designer and budget.

Total 45 articles in this section.
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