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Video Seminar: Why Is Succession Planning Important?

By Kerry Boulton
Whether CEOs want to face it or not, everyone will leave their business one day. It's inevitable… simply because we're human. Rather than wait for "someone or something else" to make the decision, take the time to plan your exit or succession, so you can leave on your terms, in your own time frame and excited about the next stage of your life.

Extract: What Are The Key Issues To Consider For Succession Planning?

Video Seminar: Kerry Boulton

About Kerry Boulton

Kerry BoultonMelbourne-based Kerry Boulton is an elegant, serial entrepreneur, known for being “ahead of the game”. Bringing her “in the trenches” experience running, managing and exiting her own businesses successfully, Kerry works with SME owners to achieve their ultimate pay day. Using proven frameworks, she rapidly identifies how to generate a sale price of two to three times the current value, create a saleable business and design a “life after” business. Kerry is a Certified Value Builder & Exit Planning Advisor and holds a Masters in Entrepreneurship & Innovation. Million Dollar Pay Day is her second book.

Contact Details

Kerry Boulton Phone: 1300 394 878
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