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Delivering Great Presentations

Delivering a presentation does not need to fill you with fear and trepidation. What can you do to combat the nerves, improve your presenting skills and deliver a presentation that will wow your audience?
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Motivational Speaker Myths And Madness

by Mark Sanborn

Motivational speakers are like Chinese food. You're hungry an hour later. Ever hear that one? Somebody is eating at the wrong Chinese restaurant if they're hungry an hour later, and if the motivational speaker left you wanting, he or she wasn't very good.

Create High-Value Presentations That Attract New Business

by Joseph Sommerville

In challenging economic times, buyers look for value. The more you provide, the more likely you are to become the provider of choice. Presentations offer excellent opportunities to provide that value at different stages of the business development cycle.

Using The Patterns Of Nervous Tension

by Matt Church

The whole thing about getting nervous when you speak is serious and maybe not something that ever truly goes away. And maybe that's the way it's meant to be ...

How To Regain Control When Your Presentation Goes Wrong

by Matt Church

Many leaders and who present are often loath to prepare for unlikely events. World class presenters head off disaster before it happens. They anticipate what might go right or wrong and build in key concepts or frames to manage the possible fall out.

Lessons From Social Media That Enhance Your Presentations

by Carmine Gallo

Blogs, YouTube, Twitter, and other social media tools have changed the way we deliver ideas inside and outside of work. Combine these tools with research findings into how the brain works, and business owners have new ways to enhance their pitches and presentations. Here are four of them.

The Golden Rules Of The Q&A Session

by Paul Archer

Question and answer (Q&A) sessions are excellent audience participation techniques which work really well with larger groups (20 plus) where spontaneous questions just don't work - if done correctly.

Getting Audience Participation When Speaking

by Paul Archer

I'm going to share with you 18 ways to encourage audience participation.

How To Start Any Presentation With Style

by Paul Archer

The ABC and D of presentations. A clever neumonic to help you with the first few minutes of any presentation, to get it off to the right start and give you lots of confidence to continue.

How To Use Presentation Slides To Best Effect

by Philip Yaffe

Properly used, slides can significantly boost the interest and effectiveness of a presentation. Poorly used, they can significantly damage it. It takes only slightly more effort to do the job well than to do it poorly. You owe it to yourself and your audience to make this minor investment for a major return.

The Mathematics Of Persuasive Communication - Oral Presentations

by Philip Yaffe

Above anything else, the success of an oral presentation depends on the precision of its structure. Mathematics is all about precision. It is, therefore, not so odd to think that applying some of the concepts of mathematics to oral presentations could make them substantially more effective.

The Mathematics Of Persuasive Communication - Clarity And Conciseness

by Philip Yaffe

When someone reads an expository text or listens to an expository speech, they are likely to judge it as "good" or "not good". You probably do this yourself. But what do you actually mean when you say a text or a speech is "good". After some struggling, most people will usually settle on two criteria: clear and concise.

The Mathematics Of Persuasive Communication - Density

by Philip Yaffe

There are various methods to generate such a strong desire to read, depending on the type of readers and the type of information. Whatever the most appropriate device, the crucial thing is to recognise the imperative need to use it. Until this need is met, nothing else is of any importance.

Speak For Success

by Sue Currie

Do you make compelling presentations? If not here's a few tips that may help.

Microphone Technique 101

by Thomas Murrell

Here are nine tips on microphone technique to maximise your message, and not ruin your reputation, when giving a speech.

7 Reasons Speakers Flop - Part 1

by Mark Sanborn

Few things create a more vivid perception of an executive than his speaking ability. The higher executives rise in an organisation, the more frequently they are called upon to address others.

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