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Nurturing Emotional Intelligence & Thought Leadership

You may not be judged by how clever you are or your financial prowess. How can tapping into emotional intelligence define you as a better leader? What can be done to allow the thought leader to surface?
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by Ross Donohue and Louisa Stevensen

Career success doesn't just rest on how clever you are, but how in touch you are with your own and other's feelings. Emotional intelligence (EI) is a relatively new construct that has attracted considerable interest in both empirical and popular management literature.

Holding Up The Mirror

by Paul Bridle

You know what it's like when someone accuses you of something that is not true or of an intent that was not your intent at all. As leaders we are faced with this frequently. Just look at politicians, they face it all the time.

Leading With The Heart

by Dr Sen Sendjaya

Servant leaders put other people's needs, aspirations and interests above their own. Today's organisations are plagued by toxic emotions and social alienation, run by leaders who bully, abuse their power and use unethical practices. Businesses grapple with work-life balance issues and the psychological well-being of employees and, in many instances, it is employees' needs and aspirations sacrificed for the sake of the bottom line.

Character Is Destiny

by James C. Sarros, Brian Cooper and Joseph C. Santora

One element lies at the heart of leadership: character. Who you are impacts on how you lead.

Naturally Managing The Human Animal

by Andrew O’Keeffe

An understanding of basic human instinct can assist business leaders to lead organisations that fit our hardwiring as a species. The outcome is a functioning organisation that just seems to operate “naturally”.

Can You Resist Anything But Temptation?

by Karen Schmidt

It used to be that we all had the ability to be resilient. Life almost forced us to be. People were made resilient by World Wars, economic hardship and isolation. Today, we live in a society where resilience is not highly valued nor tested as often.

Real Leaders Love Chaos

by Catherine Palin-Brinkworth

It’s become a cliché to say we’re under pressure. I guarantee that 99% of you who are reading this now, found it a challenge to find the time to do so.

Emotional Intelligence, Innovation And Creativity

by Graham Moore

Emotional Intelligence: For a while it was regarded as just another fad, new age organisational psycho-spin that wouldn’t last. Surely, this can’t be the dawn of the era of the ‘touchy-feely’ boardroom?

Developing An Emotionally Intelligent Leadership Culture

Emotional Intelligence (EI) is an attractive concept because it encapsulates the most powerful of human abilities that IQ misses – the ability to understand how our emotions impact on ourselves and on others.

The Smart New Way CEOs Get Results In Business

by Ricky Nowak

While not everyone is cut out to be a leader, not everyone can or wants to be a follower all the time, too. Yet it is often the mix of both that is the smartest, most effective and efficient way to build and sustain business, teams and productivity. So if you are someone who is willing to share your fifteen minutes of fame and let others get the credit occasionally while making your life easier, keep reading.

Top And Bottom Lines

by Dr. Stephen R. Covey

Traditionally the dominant paradigm in management is control because "he that is good with the hammer tends to think that everything is a nail." Executives start thinking that they have to control budgets, schedules, things and people. And so the prevailing style of leadership is benevolent authoritarianism, where the people at the top think they know best and do all the thinking and prescribe methods for getting desired bottom line results.

The Heart Of Leadership

by Graham Moore

Where does the true power of your leadership lie? What is that core driver for getting the best results in the organisation?

The Heart Of Leadership Communication

by Graham Moore

Understanding the heart of leadership communication – and being able to effectively manage ‘emotion-driven' communication – is a key to leadership success today. It could also save millions of dollars of hidden costs.

The Awesome Power Of Self Assurance

by Ian Berry

“I hate managing people” was my client’s opening comment, before we had greeted one another in our usual friendly manner. “Great. Time to stop trying.” was my reply. My client gave me an out of character blank look. “People cannot be managed.” I said. Another blank look.

The Role Of Emotional Intelligence (EI)

by Paul McLoughlin

What is Emotional Intelligence? There has been much debate in recent years as to whether or not emotional intelligence is an appropriate tool to measure leadership potential.

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