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Protecting Intellectual Property

How can you safeguard against others stealing your most valuable assets – whether it is patents, designs, copyright or trade marks?
Total 20 articles in this section.
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War Of Knowledge

by Bray J. Brockbank

It's a war out there - a war of knowledge. Victory lies with organizations that create, recognise and organise knowledge.

Protecting Your Business And Product Names As Trade Marks

by Mary-Ann van Ballekom

If you have ever been involved in starting up your own business, you will know about the legal requirement to register your company or business name.

Getting The Most Out Of Your Intellectual Property Assets

by Mary-Ann van Ballekom

Did you know that...

Recognising Family Secrets As Intellectual Property For Competitive Advantage

by Yuen Ching Ho

Most family businesses are not protecting their most important competitive tool - their intellectual property.

Business Intelligence

by Vernon Prior

Many business' are happy to spend considerable sums on their mouth - advertising, promotion, publicity - but are reluctant to invest in their eyes and ears. Yet, if you wish to be competitive, it is just as important to know what is going on, as it is to tell the world about yourself.

Total 20 articles in this section.
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